Jan 10Liked by Eric Roby

Great points, Eric.

I love that you mentioned it's not only about writing code. No matter the organization size, unless you're working alone from a bunker and have 0 users, you'll need those soft skills at some point!

Bonus Myth 10: Vim makes you a better programmer!

Well, partially. Vim lets you learn tools that always existed, but they got integrated into IDEs, and you don't know they were a thing in the first place—thinking about language servers or debugging protocols.

Ultimately, the tool you're the most comfortable using doesn't have a replacement. Use what you know the best!

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Exactly! Thanks for the addition.

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All valid points and I completely resonate with them. In the world of software, less can often be more.

I've also covered little more in depth on this point in my latest newsletter article also - https://mindfulmatrix.substack.com/p/beauty-in-simplicity

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