Great insights, Eric! 👏 Your tips on locus of control, teaching others, visualization, keeping a progress journal, and remembering the 'why' are truly actionable and motivational. The analogy of treating learning to code like playing a video game is spot-on – mastering each level with determination and a growth mindset. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and cheering us on in our coding journey..

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

My favorite: by making it fun!

I told myself many times I'd give a shot to Go however after building web apps for a decade in different languages, this alone wasn't entertaining enough.

That's when I ran into @John Crickett's Coding Challenges https://codingchallenges.fyi/, and here I am! Already learned the basic syntax of Go and I'm building a JSON parser.

Thanks for these tips Eric!

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Remembering "why" is always a brain reset button when I am overthinking. It puts sense to all the weird connections in my brain.

Also I learnt that putting a dedicated time to learn and apply the skill goes far. It could be 15 mins or 30 mins or whole day but what matters is to put yourself into that mindset.

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Teaching others is a great way and often underrated.

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